Welcome to our Resources page! Please explore the resources below to learn more about the WSCC Model and strategies for supporting the health and learning of children and adolescents.
Article on Whole Child Initiatives
CT WSCC’s article in the Connection Association of Boards of Education (CABE) Journal about why school leaders need to be neurotransmitters.
CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
DASH provides resources on school health strategics, supports school health programs, and conducts surveillance of youth risk behaviors.
Center on PBIS
The National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) provides resources and delivers technical assistance to support educators implementing PBIS.
Collaboratory on School and Child Health
The Collaboratory facilitates innovative and impactful connections across research, policy, and practice arenas to advance equity in school and child health.
Comprehensive Framework for Addressing the School Nutrition Environment and Services
Information and resources to support implementation of a healthy school nutrition environment.
Creating Lung Friendly Environments for Youth
Resources to help schools address asthma, tobacco, clean air, and more.
CT Learning Hub
The Connecticute State Department of Education's free and interactive web page of digital resources to accelerate learning and advance equity.
English Learner Family Toolkit Family Toolkit
A toolkit from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs.
Family Engagement Learning Series Briefs
US Department of Education briefs that summarize a six-part webinar series of conversations about family engagement practices.
Feel Your Best Self
A free toolkit for teachers and families to help children learn emotion-focused coping skills.
Guidance for Preventing the Spread of Infections in K-12 Schools
Updated CDC guidance on preventing the spread of many common respiratory and stomach infections in schools.
Guide to Improving School Employee Wellness
The CDC's suggested process and resources for building or expanding effective employee wellness initiatives.
Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
CDC assessment tool to help school districts and schools conduct an analysis of health education curricula for K–12 students.
Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework
Connecticut's Framework and Standards for Health Education and Physical Education.
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Time
Standards for healthy eating and physical activity from the National Afterschool Association.
Healthy Eating Toolkit
Nutrition resources for use at home or at school from Action for Healthy Kids.
Healthy Family Connecticut
Fact-based food and nutrition resources for parents who receive SDA SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.
Increasing Physical Education and Physical Activity: A Framework for Schools
Information and resources to support implementation of the five components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP).
National Organizations to Support Healthy Schools
Six national nongovernmental organizations formed 5-year cooperative agreements with the CDC to support the health and well-being of students and staff in underserved communities.
CDC assessment tool to help school districts and schools conduct an analysis of physical education curricula for K–12 students.
Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools
An action guide from the CDC to help school and district leaders promote and support mental health and well-being.
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health
The Rudd Center promotes solutions to food insecurity, poor diet quality, and weight bias through research and policy.
Social Emotional Learning Framework
CASEL's framework for applying evidence-based social emotional learning strategies.
Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Health Needs
Recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education for supporting student and staff mental health.
WellSAT 3.0
The WellSAT is a quantitative assessment tool to help you score and improve your local school district wellness policy.
WellSAT WSCC 2.0
The WellSAT WSCC is a school policy evaluation tool aligned with the Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child (WSCC) model that builds on the history of the WellSAT.
The WellSAT-I is an interview tool that measures how fully a district is implementing wellness practices in its schools. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the written wellness policy scoring tool, WellSAT 3.0.
WSCC Blueprints
The Practice and Policy Blueprints are tools that guide school team planning efforts around successful implementation and sustainment of Whole Child initiatives, with a particular focus on the need for coordination and integration of efforts.
WSCC Model
The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, or WSCC model, is CDC’s framework for addressing health in schools and is the basis for our collaboration.
WSCC Model (Spanish Handout)
This ASCD resource summarizes the WSCC Model in Spanish: Toda Escuela, Toda Comunidad, Todo Niño
WSCC Practice Briefs
The WSCC practice briefs identify evidence-based practices for each WSCC domain and a range of strategies that allow schools to select strategies that fit their contexts and available resources.
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